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samedi 18 avril 2015

Top 3 Survival Tips for Affiliate Marketers to Survive Online in 2015

We're all looking to find the most successful market that gives us the biggest paycheck, right? Some people are hoping to find a magic formula. Unfortunately for all of us, it's a bit more complicated than that. The real answer lies in using good ol' marketing practices that have been proven year after year of perseverance and hard work.
Here are tried and true tactics that have worked before and are continuing to work in 2015 for online affiliate marketers. By implementing these three marketing tips, you will be able to expand your business, grow sales and survive in the affiliate marketing world.
What are these 3 tips?
1. Use unique websites to promote each product you are marketing. Lumping all of your products all together to save money on web hosting will muddle your sales pitch. It is best to have individual sites that focus on each and every product-nothing more.
Be sure to always include product reviews and customer testimonials. Having this on the website allows visitors to gain an initial understanding of the product and how it can help them. Be sure the customers who provide the testimonials approve you using their names and photos on the site for the product you are marketing.
Another idea is to write articles that highlight the various uses of the product. Include these on the website as an additional page. Create pages that are attractive and compelling and that include calls to action. Headlines should grab readers' attention and encourage them to continue reading or even contact you. Be sure to highlight any special points as this helps your readers to learn about the page and entice them to find out more.
2. Offer your readers free reports. If at all possible, position these reports at the top side of your page so they will not be overlooked. Create autoresponder messages that will be emailed to those that sign up (input their personal info into your sign up box). Research indicates that it takes seven contacts to close a sale with a prospective customer. Don't give up!
There are only 2 things that can happen with the web page alone: you make a sale or the prospect leaves and never comes back. By sending useful information via email using an autoresponder, you will remind them of the product and hopefully reignite their interest. It is essential that the content you send it relevant and contains specific reasons why they should purchase the product. Be sure your messages doesn't sound like a sales pitch!
Focus on highlighting the value of the product: how your product will make like easier, more profitable or more enjoyable. Create subject lines that are compelling. When creating any type of messaging, try to avoid using the word "free" because older spam filters might dump these emails into a junk folder. Work on convincing those who signed up for your free offers (usually reports) that they will miss something epic if they do not purchase your valuable products or services.
3. Draw traffic that is targeted at your product. Think about it, if the person visiting your site has no interest in your niche of products, they will be one who never returns, not to mention that your time and effort will have been for naught. One way to target traffic is to write articles and then publish them in e-zines and e-reports. Locating publications that match your target will help you find customers that might be interested in your product.
Have a goal of writing a minimum of 2-3 articles per week, about 300-600 words in length. By consistently writing and tweaking these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted prospects to you site in a day (or more!).
Remember: 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or services. Generating 1,000 targeted hits in a day will mean about 10 sales (based on the average statistic).
The tips given above do not really seem too difficult if you put in the effort. Creating an action plan can help to ensure success and focus.
Try these tactics for yourself with several affiliate marketing programs. You can accumulate a good income and survive in this marketplace.
Just keep thinking about the huge paychecks you could be receiving...
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Who am I? I'm a former high school math teacher turned entrepreneur. I'm a wife, mother, and life-long learner who wants to share my knowledge and success with you so that you can live your dreams, too!

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