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mardi 24 juillet 2018

Five Proven Methods for Internet Marketing Success

 There are hundreds of ways that you can promote your online business or website, some more effective than others. These five proven methods will help you to generate traffic to your website and also to generate income into your wallet.
  1. One thing that appeals to everyone is "free." If it is free people will take it. Think of the samples of cheese given away at grocery stores. Do you really want a small piece of cheese? Of course not! But you take it simply because it is free and someone is nice enough to offer it to you. The same principle applies with information or services offered from your website. You can send out free newsletters or offer a free trail period. One popular thing that is being given away now are free credit reports or free PC scans. These freebies are what we in the marketing field like to call teasers. After running the free credit report or PC scan we alert the customer if there is something found on their credit record or PC and then offer to show them what it is or repair the problem for a price. This can be an effective way to get information to your potential customers, create sales or to generate traffic to your site.
  2. Your website contains information about a service or product that you are very knowledgeable about. You can use this knowledge to generate traffic to your site by writing articles in your area of expertise and having them published in an ezine or an article information site. The most effective way to use these articles is to write them for free and ask in return that the publisher allow you to include a byline. A byline is a very short summary of the author, their credentials and their website. Your byline is a way that readers will come to know you as an expert on the topic and will in turn come to trust your site as a source of credible information.
  3. Some search engines will allow a website to purchase their ranking. This is an excel lent Internet marketing technique in that it is effective and inexpensive. In the pay-per-click programs, website are only billed for those who actually visit the page, unlike banner ads which may be seen by millions but only used by a few. When using the pay-per-click program you are asked to choose keywords and when those are entered your site will appear and if the surfer chooses to view your site, you are billed for that click. Many pay-per-click programs will offer other benefits as well, such as updated lists of commonly used keywords.
  4. You should remember that others are in the same boat as you. You can choose to network with those who have similar marketing ideas. When networking you will be able to share links and refer customers to each other. You should always be very cautious when choosing a networking partner as everything that you recommend is a reflection of yourself or your product and therefore, you should be certain that your networking partner is a reputable source of information.

mercredi 11 juillet 2018

How to set up your own profitable Amazon aStore

 Do you know that you can have your own online store featuring Amazon products? And you can have this store up and running in minutes.
aStore by Amazon is a new Associates product that gives you the power to create a professional online store that can be embedded within or linked to from your website in minutes and without any knowledge of HTML or any other programming skills and best of all there are no fees associated with building an aStore for your website.
aStore is a dedicated shopping area that you can set up on your website in minutes you decide which Amazon products you want to feature you can include all Amazon products or display only the categories that you choose you also have the option of creating your own custom product categories you can also customize your store's look and feel by selecting colours and design that closely match those of your existing website. aStore also allows you to offer your customers a shopping cart for multiple item purchases plus check out on Amazon is the most trusted store online
aStore allows you to inform your customers with robust product details, product reviews, product images and information from Amazon including informative product descriptions, Amazon editor product reviews, recommended products, up-to-date product information, Listmania (themed product lists from other Amazon customers).
The aStore wizard will guide you step by step through the process of setting up your aStore and generate a URL to which you can link to or embed in your website. There are 3 ways that you can embed your aStore into your website the quickest and easiest way is via a simple link from your website navigation menu to your aStore as a standalone site this option also includes a link back to your site from each one of your aStore web pages or if you wish you can embed your aStore using an inline frame or embed using a frameset these two methods of embedding your aStore will appear to your visitors as if the aStore is part of your website and enable them to shop without leaving your site.
As an Amazon associate you can create up to 100 aStores and you will earn commissions for every product that is sold to a customer that either purchases directly through your aStore or who subsequently purchases at a later date direct from Amazon.
You can receive your Amazon associates commissions by either direct deposit in to your bank account, a cheque or Amazon gift vouchers. 

vendredi 15 juin 2018

Effective or Irritating: The Use of Pop Windows in Internet Marketing

A few years ago, pop-up windows were all the rage in Internet marketing. It seemed that every time one opened a web page they would be bombarded with offers for this or that. It had gotten to the point where surfing the Internet was almost like playing a video game; when the ads would pop-up one would try and close them out before another one came. This is precisely why we have seen the decline in the use of pop-up windows on the Internet today; surfers simply do not even look at the pop-ups anymore. They close the windows out before even reading the ad.
Very often, a surfer will even leave your site if there are too many pop-up ads. They simply do not want the hassle of closing those windows while trying to obtain the information that your site has to offer. This information, while valuable, is not as valuable as the surfers time. Studies have shown however, that even with these set backs, pop-up windows are still an effective method of Internet marketing.
Is there some way that pop-up windows can be less irritating and still be effective? Yes! What if the pop ad were seen upon exiting your site instead of entering? This would allow the surfer to obtain the information that they need from your site, feeling that they were able to come and go quickly without being hassled by other ads and offers all the while making the surfer happy. You have left the surfer with a positive attitude and therefore are more likely to respond to the pop advertisement. This is being accomplished more and more by using what is being called pop-under windows. When the surfer comes to your site, the ad is opened discretely behind the your web page. Then, upon leaving your site, after obtaining all the information that they need, will see the ad and therefore be more likely to respond. Since the surfer has the information, he has achieved his objective and is now open to do other things; ideally respond to the pop under advertisement.
Not all pop-windows are created equally. There are some things that you can do to make your pop-windows, whether pop-up or pop-under more effective. The pop-window should be easy to "escape" from. If the surfer does not want to see the add, but has a hard time closing it out, they will likely become frustrated and could leave your site all together. You should either use a button that will allow the surfer to close the window or be sure that the "x" is easily visible. Another good idea is to use a script that utilizes cookies. Cookies will prevent pop-windows from overloading the surfer since you can decide the frequency of the pop-windows, rather than each time a page is opened. Also be sure that there is no more than one pop-window per page.

 When creating a pop-window, you will be asked to fill out a short information form, select the length of cookies, and choose the layout of the pop-window. When choosing the design of the pop-window, you can increase the effectiveness by creating a large headline that includes benefits that will be most appealing to the customer. You should also consider using incentives and lastly do not ask the customer to read a long and drawn out advertisement. Keep the message simple yet powerful and your pop-ads will be sure to generate profits for your site.

How To Attract Prospects To Your Business Magnetically

 A magnet has the properties to attract certain metals, and a magnetic person has the qualities, talents, or skills to attract others in a magnetic like manner.
In the world of network marketing, how can someone acquire that type of personality, how can someone become a magnetic sponsor, and develop a large base of customers using magnetic like attributes?
Before I answer that question, read this quote:
"Nobody who bought a drill actually wanted a drill. They wanted a hole. Therefore, if you want to sell drills, you should advertise information about making holes - NOT information about drills!" - Perry Marshall
There is a lot of meaning behing this quote, but in a few words it contains the secret to becoming a highly successfull magnetic sponsor.
Would you rather spend $200 bucks on a drill, or first get free or inexpensive information to learn how to operate that drill properly and effectively? If you are like me, I am sure you would first learn more about how you can make a good hole with this tool before making that kind of purchase.
Would you rather buy from a salesperson who insists that his/her drill is the best tool for what you want to do? I wouldn't. Because I don't like to be sold, and I don't like people to pitch their sales number on me.
Would you rather buy from a person who gave you free information or inexpensive information on how to properly operate, and get the best results from that tool, and who did not try to pitch a drill on you?
Again, if you are like me, you would buy from a person who first took the time to educate you on how to make that hole proper. In your mind, this person is an expert in his/her field, he/she knows what he/she is talking about. So you sell yourself on buying that drill from him/her.
This is what many network marketers keep doing, they keep pitching their opportunities on their family, friends, relatives, and get all hyped up on the net, on their ads, and every one they encounter. But guess what? People do not care about your business opportunity, what they care about is a solution to their problems. In other words, you did not buy a business opportunity (drill) because you wanted one. You wanted a solution (hole) for more free time to spend with your family, be your own boss, earn a living online, or get rich, etc..
So, what you need to do instead of pitching your opportunity to your prospects, is to sell them inexpensive or give away free information that shows how to solve problems - how to drill that "hole."
If you can show them how to make that "hole", your prospects will come to the conclusion on their own without you pounding hard on them that they need a drill from you. Why? Because you gave them free knowledge or inexpensive information on how to accomplish their goal, and therefore earning their trust in you.

mercredi 6 juin 2018

How To Choose An Internet Marketing Niche And Quickly Dominate It

 In a recent interview with Tellman Knudson for the List Crusade program, Shawn Casey revealed how to choose an Internet Marketing niche and crush your competition.
(Note: To access Shawn Casey's complete audio interview for free, see end of article)
Shawn's background as an attorney, author, publisher, company owner, corporate executive, public speaker, and teacher makes him uniquely qualified to show you how to be a success in Internet Marketing. Shawn is recognized one of the leading financial experts in the world. He is credited with making and saving thousands of people millions of dollars because of the valuable information he provides.
Listen closely to what Shawn has to say:
"Let's say you know something about rose gardening. You love rose gardening. You're probably an expert at it, even though you don't realize it, because this is your passion.
Your marketplace would be other people that are interested in rose gardening. You can create a report, audio, video... something that is valuable information about rose gardening... maybe how to prune to do something. I don't know much about rose gardening, so I don't specifically know what that would be.
Then you go find the people who have traffic with people coming in looking to buy roses, information about how to care for their roses, what roses to plant, where to plant them, how to trim them, how to cut them, and all that cool stuff that people do.
You then go to those people who are driving in traffic and acquiring subscribers. You say to them, 'Listen, I've got this information that is of value to your visitors. So when you offer it to them, Mr. Rose Grower, you're going to be a good guy. You're giving them free information that they'd otherwise have to go down to the garden store or Home Depot and give money for. You're giving it away free. That's going to help you out and help your creditability, make your customers like you better, make you seem like a nice guy, and help you build your list.'
In turn, you get a little good will, good karma, some subscribers, and potentially customers. Obviously, you don't need to tell them this. This is just something for them to figure out. They're distributing your product that leads them back to your website so that they might buy from you. This doesn't hurt them at all because you're not competing with them directly.
Using this method, we piggyback on that related market because we provide the information, while they provide the product."
In the List Crusade interview, Shawn also revealed:
  • How to ethically cheat building your list fast and cheap by leveraging your resources
  • Two steps to quickly become the acknowledged expert in any niche
  • Is banner advertising dead?
  • Get paid to build your list for free
  • What is the one secret way to test your website for less than $30?
As you read Shawn's secrets of how to quickly achieve success in any niche, you begin to realize the tremendous potential and knowledge you already possess. So the only question is, will you take the next step and take action today?

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dimanche 27 mai 2018

How To Market Online With Ease

 You can ignite your marketing efforts and passion for the game by learning to use your personal story and expertise to get potential clients subscribing to your opt-in list.
I want to show you 10 simple steps you can implement with a low-cost investment and a little effort that you can use as a springboard for more aggressive online marketing campaigns.
By creating an interesting web site, which consist of one simple, yet, well-designed web page you can begin a relationships with qualified prospects. The "Interest Site" is designed to share content and offer a customized introductory e-product to someone who would qualify to be considered your ideal client. The focus of the site has to be a HOT TOPIC for your ideal client and it has to tie back to your product theme in some logical way.
The Interest Site will include the following components:
1. The reason why the ideal client should read the content and subscribe to your list to get the introductory product. You written communication should be compelling, not contain hype, and impress the ideal client so they know free product does not mean no-value, low-value product, but it means you are a generous person, you are a skilled business person, and you are beginning your relationship with them on good and ethical terms.
2. Weave in a soft introduction that is designed to create affinity with your ideal client so they know you are like them, understand them, and share some of the same concerns and interests as they relate to this topic. Be brief.
3. Discuss one to three key points related to the topic that the ideal client would find very interesting. Notice I said the ideal client would find them interesting, you may not, and the non-ideal client may not. You may have expertise in this area or you may have to go and do some research. Either way, make sure the information is highly relevant to your ideal client and related to your primary business offering.
4. Include a message that lets the ideal client know that this content is incomplete and they can get more advanced information by signing up for the complimentary ecourse or workbook. Don't offer just a newsletter or special report. These things are over used and are often perceived as low value until your credibility is well established.
5. Give the ideal client a teaser preview of the HOT HOT HOT TOPICS covered in the ecourse or workbook. Summarize what you have provided and remind them to subscribe

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dimanche 6 mai 2018

New Google Blog Search is Great Marketing News for Business Podcasts, Blogs and RSS Feed Publishers

 Google just introduced Blog Search in beta yesterday. This new search function allows for you to search the internet for Blogs, Podcasts and RSS feeds. You simply type in your keywords and it will show you results that have come from these sources.
The results they display are not showing any preferences to Blogs that are published on Blogger. We are seeing results for all Blogging platforms. Actually Google Blog Search is not just looking at Blogs. They are looking for any RSS feed, which might be from a Blog, Podcast, or any other XML feed. It appears that the search tool is pretty responsive and we are seeing results show up in a matter of hours after a new post is made to the RSS Blog and Podcast Feed. This is another way that you can create online visibility for your business.
The organic results are sorted by relevancy, but you have the option to sort them by date as well. This is especially nice if you want to locate the latest post for a fast breaking news topic and want to find it quickly in the blogosphere. The other thing that Google has done is to try to eliminate some of the "noise" and Spam of the blogosphere. They are looking at high quality Blogs and show them at the top of the page under what is called "Related Blogs". This is prime real estate for your Blog to be listed in.
As an example: Go to the new Google Blog search ( ) and type in podcasting tips. The results that are shown at the top 2 of the 3 Related Blogs happen to be authored by me. You will also see over 1600 results and we have several additional results on the front page. This is because we are writing 6 quality Blogs and publishing quality content frequently to these Blogs.
Google currently does not support a manual submission for your Blog feed. I think this is smart, since it keeps the unethical people out of the picture. If you are Blogging or Podcasting properly and following best practices; your feed will be found by Google. Make sure that you are also following best practices for pinging after your feed is updated. This will ensure that your feed is updated by Google.
It looks like Google started to index Blogs, Podcasts and RSS feeds in June of 2005. They are currently not showing posts that were made previous to this. They may change this in the future. Google has found a way to somewhat keep the black hat SEO and unethical Bloggers out of the results. We can all celebrate this; because this means quality and relevant results for searchers.
Podcasters should also take note that individual podcast shows are also being listed in the results. This is a great way for users find your podcasts and individual podcast shows, based upon specific topics and content.
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mardi 1 mai 2018

So You Want To Make Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Campaigns?

Everyone wants to make $300 a day or more with their AdWords campaigns. You've started a few campaigns, spent a few dollars, and now you're wondering - "where's the payoff!"

There's no secret to AdWords success. Like anything, joining the big leagues of AdWords profits means you must put in the hours. In this case, it's hours of keyword work.

Extensive Keyword Research

There are literally thousands of keywords for every industry. By advertising a thousand or more keywords you will greatly increase your chance of getting clicks at a cheaper rate.

Consider this:

Campaign A: Your AdWords campaign has only 4 keywords. These keywords are the most popular keywords for your industry. The average CPC is $1. These keywords get 6000 searches a day. Your campaign is getting a 2% CTR which means your getting $120 clicks at a total cost of $120.

Campaign B: You research and bid on 2000 keywords. The average CPC is .10 These 2000 keywords also receive 6000 search queries a day. Again using a 2% CTR, your campaign is delivering 120 visitors. But instead of paying $120 as in Campaign A, you are only paying $12.

Obviously, Campaign B is the better performing campaign. Campaign B is saving $108 a day, $3,600 a month and $43,200 per year. The difference in ROI is staggering.

Remember, the difference between the two campaigns was in the keywords. Campaign A had a few popular keywords. Campaign B contained 2000 keywords. The keywords in Campaign B are less popular, translating to a cheap CPC for you.

How To Find Keywords For Your PPC Campaigns

Now you know the importance of doing extensive keyword research before beginning an AdWords campaign. But how do you come up with a long list of targetted keywords. Here's how:

The simplest and easiest method to come up with good keywords is to think long and hard. "Yeah, that'll get me 50 words" you say." Still need more keywords? Try these tools;

1. Google Keyword Generator (
2. WordTracker (
3. Overture Search Suggestion Tool (
4. Keyword Wrapper (
5. MyTrashMail Keyword Generator (
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vendredi 27 avril 2018

How to set up your own profitable Amazon aStore

 Do you know that you can have your own online store featuring Amazon products? And you can have this store up and running in minutes.
aStore by Amazon is a new Associates product that gives you the power to create a professional online store that can be embedded within or linked to from your website in minutes and without any knowledge of HTML or any other programming skills and best of all there are no fees associated with building an aStore for your website.
aStore is a dedicated shopping area that you can set up on your website in minutes you decide which Amazon products you want to feature you can include all Amazon products or display only the categories that you choose you also have the option of creating your own custom product categories you can also customize your store's look and feel by selecting colours and design that closely match those of your existing website. aStore also allows you to offer your customers a shopping cart for multiple item purchases plus check out on Amazon is the most trusted store online
aStore allows you to inform your customers with robust product details, product reviews, product images and information from Amazon including informative product descriptions, Amazon editor product reviews, recommended products, up-to-date product information, Listmania (themed product lists from other Amazon customers).
The aStore wizard will guide you step by step through the process of setting up your aStore and generate a URL to which you can link to or embed in your website. There are 3 ways that you can embed your aStore into your website the quickest and easiest way is via a simple link from your website navigation menu to your aStore as a standalone site this option also includes a link back to your site from each one of your aStore web pages or if you wish you can embed your aStore using an inline frame or embed using a frameset these two methods of embedding your aStore will appear to your visitors as if the aStore is part of your website and enable them to shop without leaving your site.
As an Amazon associate you can create up to 100 aStores and you will earn commissions for every product that is sold to a customer that either purchases directly through your aStore or who subsequently purchases at a later date direct from Amazon.

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samedi 21 avril 2018

So You Want To Make Big Profits From Your AdWords PPC Campaigns?

Everyone wants to make $300 a day or more with their AdWords campaigns. You've started a few campaigns, spent a few dollars, and now you're wondering - "where's the payoff!"

There's no secret to AdWords success. Like anything, joining the big leagues of AdWords profits means you must put in the hours. In this case, it's hours of keyword work.

Extensive Keyword Research

There are literally thousands of keywords for every industry. By advertising a thousand or more keywords you will greatly increase your chance of getting clicks at a cheaper rate.

Consider this:

Campaign A: Your AdWords campaign has only 4 keywords. These keywords are the most popular keywords for your industry. The average CPC is $1. These keywords get 6000 searches a day. Your campaign is getting a 2% CTR which means your getting $120 clicks at a total cost of $120.

Campaign B: You research and bid on 2000 keywords. The average CPC is .10 These 2000 keywords also receive 6000 search queries a day. Again using a 2% CTR, your campaign is delivering 120 visitors. But instead of paying $120 as in Campaign A, you are only paying $12.

Obviously, Campaign B is the better performing campaign. Campaign B is saving $108 a day, $3,600 a month and $43,200 per year. The difference in ROI is staggering.

Remember, the difference between the two campaigns was in the keywords. Campaign A had a few popular keywords. Campaign B contained 2000 keywords. The keywords in Campaign B are less popular, translating to a cheap CPC for you.

How To Find Keywords For Your PPC Campaigns

Now you know the importance of doing extensive keyword research before beginning an AdWords campaign. But how do you come up with a long list of targetted keywords. Here's how:

The simplest and easiest method to come up with good keywords is to think long and hard. "Yeah, that'll get me 50 words" you say." Still need more keywords? Try these tools;

1. Google Keyword Generator (
2. WordTracker (
3. Overture Search Suggestion Tool (
4. Keyword Wrapper (
5. MyTrashMail Keyword Generator (

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vendredi 20 avril 2018

How To Choose An Internet Marketing Niche And Quickly Dominate It

 In a recent interview with Tellman Knudson for the List Crusade program, Shawn Casey revealed how to choose an Internet Marketing niche and crush your competition.
(Note: To access Shawn Casey's complete audio interview for free, see end of article)
Shawn's background as an attorney, author, publisher, company owner, corporate executive, public speaker, and teacher makes him uniquely qualified to show you how to be a success in Internet Marketing. Shawn is recognized one of the leading financial experts in the world. He is credited with making and saving thousands of people millions of dollars because of the valuable information he provides.
Listen closely to what Shawn has to say:
"Let's say you know something about rose gardening. You love rose gardening. You're probably an expert at it, even though you don't realize it, because this is your passion.
Your marketplace would be other people that are interested in rose gardening. You can create a report, audio, video... something that is valuable information about rose gardening... maybe how to prune to do something. I don't know much about rose gardening, so I don't specifically know what that would be.
Then you go find the people who have traffic with people coming in looking to buy roses, information about how to care for their roses, what roses to plant, where to plant them, how to trim them, how to cut them, and all that cool stuff that people do.
You then go to those people who are driving in traffic and acquiring subscribers. You say to them, 'Listen, I've got this information that is of value to your visitors. So when you offer it to them, Mr. Rose Grower, you're going to be a good guy. You're giving them free information that they'd otherwise have to go down to the garden store or Home Depot and give money for. You're giving it away free. That's going to help you out and help your creditability, make your customers like you better, make you seem like a nice guy, and help you build your list.'
In turn, you get a little good will, good karma, some subscribers, and potentially customers. Obviously, you don't need to tell them this. This is just something for them to figure out. They're distributing your product that leads them back to your website so that they might buy from you. This doesn't hurt them at all because you're not competing with them directly.
Using this method, we piggyback on that related market because we provide the information, while they provide the product."
In the List Crusade interview, Shawn also revealed:
  • How to ethically cheat building your list fast and cheap by leveraging your resources
  • Two steps to quickly become the acknowledged expert in any niche
  • Is banner advertising dead?
  • Get paid to build your list for free
  • What is the one secret way to test your website for less than $30?
As you read Shawn's secrets of how to quickly achieve success in any niche, you begin to realize the tremendous potential and knowledge you already possess. So the only question is, will you take the next step and take action today?

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mardi 17 avril 2018

The Most Common Facebook Ads Mistakes

Knowing what are the most common errors in Facebook Ads is the first step to being able to create more efficient campaigns in a tool, as complex as the ad platform of Facebook nowadays.
Socialbakers, a reference in analyzing social media data such as Facebook and others, compiled the common mistakes brands make when they decide to use Facebook ads known as Facebook Ads to promote their business. According to the site, even social media professionals still make mistakes when it comes to buying Ads and designing campaigns for them. Below are some of the most common Facebook Ads errors encountered by the Socialbakers team and stay tuned for their next campaign.
Segmentation is one of the great secrets of Facebook Ads and therefore deserves special attention on our part. Take special care with the following intensities:
  • Do not try to reach everyone
When you begin to specify the criteria to promote your campaign, Facebook tells you how many people you will reach. Be sure to avoid too wide or too narrow targets, always consider your budget and the number of people you really want to reach.
  • Different markets
If you want to promote the same campaign for different countries, start thinking about multi-segment campaigns. Remember that each country has a culture, language and customs.
  • Finding your audience shares your interests
Okay, you have the campaign ready and you're crazy to promote it on the "Face" thinking that everyone loves your brand. Beware, your consumers do not always share your interests. Market surveys can help you better understand your audience and what they really want. Also, how about targeting ads to an audience that can potentially buy your product? Try it.
  • Non-Targeted Database
A good campaign succeeds only if it is well segmented, right? So, do not even think about including contacts from a huge list of emails with no targeting criteria, as it just does not work.
  • Age
Target your target by age group. The 16-year-old consumer, for example, does not want to get something targeted at a 30-year-old. They are different languages.
The budget within the framework of Facebook Ads campaigns is another key point, after all, one of the cat's leaps in this tool, as in other digital marketing channels is precisely figuring out how to increase the ROI - Retur of Investment campaigns. Check out the tips below in this area:
  • Very low budget
Ok, that's the hard part and not always the customer is willing to spend money on Facebook Ads, but saving is not always worth it, especially when you want to reach a large audience. Use a large budget to promote a targeted campaign for a few hours or a few days until you reach your goal.
  • Campaign duration
According to SocialBakers, it is recommended that you apply a large budget in a short-term campaign, and do not bet on something big, that lasts several days. Try something smaller, with high budget and monitor performance. Remember: You can pause or stop your campaign if something does not work out. Do not waste money or time.
The creativeness of Advertising
Another common mistake on Facebook Ads is to find that for the simple fact that you publish an ad it will convert. Forget it! In such a competitive environment as Facebook, it is increasingly difficult to stand out, and the only way to be able to win this challenge is to be creative. Check out some tips:
  • Use your logo
Ok, your campaign is in the oven and you want to illustrate it. Hence you have the idea "genial" to use the logo of your company. However, nobody but your employees and you know this image so well. Well, repent the image that will illustrate your Ad, it needs to be flashy.
  • Image that disrupts your ad

An image that overwhelms your ad can end your campaign. Remember that the size (100 x 72 pixels) is small and something big can make the campaign unreadable, besides annoying the surfer.

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jeudi 12 avril 2018

Great Blog Marketing Techniques

Marketing your blog is not all that hard to do. You have to be persistent and want success however if you want your blog to do well. You cannot just make a post and forget about it. You have to continue updating your blog and marketing it so that it will become popular and one that everyone wants to read. There are other ways as well that are good marketing your blog. Keep reading for more information.

Interviewing people and posting it on your blog is an excellent way to market it. Just be sure that the people that you interview pertain to the market of your blog. You want all of your posts to be relevant, including any interviews that you might do. For example, if your blog market was vacuum cleaners, and you did an interview with the owner of Hoover vacuum cleaner; that would definitely pertain to your market.

If you hear any news on the market of your blog, be sure that you post it. Everyone loves news, and event he readers of your blog will appreciate you blogging about the current events in the market that you are blogging about. Something to keep in mind when blogging about the news is the more current the news, the better. No one wants to reread old news, so it is a great idea to try and stay as current as possible when you are blogging about the news.

Contests are another way that you effectively market your blog. Having contests on various things would be a lot of fun, and something that will keep your readers coming back. Everyone loves to win things, and you can also make the prize that you are giving away relevant to the market you are promoting on your blog.

While good content is something that you will need for your blog, you also want to ensure that it is original content as well. You can market a blog with something that is copied and that you do not own the rights. Plagiarism will get you in trouble with Google as well as the person that originally wrote the content. Be sure that all of your posts are ones that only you own the rights too. This is a great thing to know and do when you are marketing your blog.

Press releases are also an excellent way to market your blog. Sending out a press release or having one made for you is a great idea. You will find that they are even affordable for most budgets, and some companies offer a package deal for example, if you let us write your press release we will submit it for half price. Who could resist a deal such as that? Especially when you are budgeting and trying to get the most from your funds.

Comments on a blog are also a very important aspect of blog marketing. You will want to be sure that you always answer and acknowledge the comments that are made to your blog as well as others. When you show that you are an actual person that can hold a conversation, you are showing others that you are real and that you really and truly have the best intentions for your blog. Make sure that no comment goes unanswered.

dimanche 8 avril 2018

3 Ways to Make More Affiliate Income as Bloggers

Promoting affiliate products is still one of the most effective ways to make money from your blog.
Jayson DeMers points to affiliate marketing as an excellent entry-level place to begin monetizing your blog in this Forbes article, because it is easy to implement and free to start up (just taking a bit of your time).
One of the great things about affiliate income is that it works well with a blog with either high or low traffic. The key is promoting your blog and the products to the right audience – people who need the products you are promoting. With the right marketing tactics, you can make money from affiliate products.
Even better, choose a trusted affiliate program that you already know and love.
If you promote it properly, you’ll find that you can create a long-term source of residual income.

This article will focus on how to make more money blogging via affiliate marketing.

here are two key elements to making good money from affiliate marketing.
First, you have to find a profitable niche. Second, you have to promote the right product.

To accomplish this requires time and research before you jump into the affiliate game. Don’t worry, if you are already promoting affiliate products, I will help you refine what you’re already doing.

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