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lundi 20 avril 2015

How to Make Big Profits From Email Marketing for Beginners

mail Marketing begins with your list. If you have a good list of prospective buyers rather than free information seekers and just "names" you will have an easier time, otherwise you will have to be more persuasive with your offers. Your list can be built up from any combination of paid and organic traffic.
You will need a good auto-responder to help you convert your list of names into buyers. Aweber or Get Response will serve you well. A cheap version is not recommended because if they run into problems, shut down or are hacked, you have lost your list and all your hard effort to build your list is wasted.
With your auto-responder you can send out sequences of information emails interspersed with emails offering products for sale. Your email sequence is uploaded into your auto responder and sent out every few days as people join your list. The sequence can consist of 20 or more emails, full of useful information and tips. Make the content highly desirable to engage your list or they will opt-out. Include things they will find useful, interesting and things they want to learn about the niche, whether it is for weight-loss, golf or other sports, breeding animals, growing roses, personal development or a business niche.
Interspersed in this series of information emails you can make offers that will appeal to your market, probably at the ratio of: content emails 60% and selling emails 40%
In order to gain the trust of your prospects and seriously consider your offers always give excellent value in both the content and the offers in your emails and in every thing you do, or your list will drift away and you won't make sales.
Besides the regular follow-up emails you can send out broadcast emails with the help of your auto-responder at any time you have a special offer, one-off promotion, event or something to share. Once you have a list of a reasonable size, broadcast emails can bring in large profits quickly. Make sure your offer is a highly desired product of high value.
Another way of harnessing the power of email is to add a prepared "signature" to the bottom of every email you send out, business and non-business; much as you would at the bottom of your forum posts. You never know when your offer might appeal to someone. Always look out for ways to grow your business.
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