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jeudi 2 juillet 2015

Using an Online Press Release to Reach Your Target Market

Using an online press release to reach your target market is a fast, easy, and cost- effective way to make your potential customers aware of changes in products or services you offer. Many entrepreneurs and business owners have not seen the benefit of utilizing this type of announcement to increase their business. However, those making use of this added tool are able to not only promote brand awareness but also drive more new business to their operation.
What should be included?
In addition to publicizing product or service modifications, your announcement can also highlight other changes associated with your business, such as new locations, divisions, additions to key personnel. Tell your potential customers what's new and exciting in your organization. Make them aware of any special events that they don't want to miss, i.e. liquidation of certain product lines, or new affiliations that will add to their buying experience.
What are the Benefits?
The answer is simple: It's a powerful and inexpensive way to generate more exposure through publicity and, thereby, using the internet to get more traffic and consequently more sales.
Why A Press Release?
Years ago, news was mainly released on radios, televisions and in newspapers. With the advance of technology many of us get our news off the net. This means that once your announcement is published it will be viewed by more people who will learn about your company generating more traffic to your website faster and in a more economical manner.
How it works
If you have properly optimized the report, your announcement will rank high on the search engines, and will set the stage for a higher ranking of your site.
What Topics Should Be Covered?
Here are three common uses for a press release.
1. Business Opening Announcement: Let people know you are there and what products and services you provide.
2. Product Launching: Use it to publicize the launch of a new product or service.
3. Changes in your organization: Announce changes in management level personnel; opening a new location, etc.
Getting the word out to your target market is critical to the success of your company. The more people who know about your products and services, the more likely you'll get the type of sales you're looking for. Like everything else in sales and marketing, it's a numbers game.
So, if you've never tried this type of announcement before, expand your reach by writing an online press release to reach your target market - if you write it they will come!

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