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dimanche 3 avril 2016

Why Failing Fast Is The Quickest Way To Making A Mint From Your Marketing

"I can't have that ready tomorrow... there's a lot of things I have to go over. Listen, I'm a perfectionist, I need to get it right, okay!"
Ever heard that line? Or have you ever said it yourself? I'm constantly intrigued at the number of people - aspiring business people - and those already in some form of business who've said to me something along the lines of, "Nick, I'm amazed at the number of projects you're working on, at the number of emails I receive from you, at the number of promotions you seem to churn out. How do you manage it all?"
Well, you know, the biggest reason that I feel that helps me to get a lot done is that I'm not afraid to fail. You see, if all I did was roll over in my mind, everything that I wanted to do, I'd have one hell of a headache. The key for me is to map out a project that I've got going on, and see when is the possible time that I can get this out. I then work towards getting things on track for that date.
Now, I'll tell you that I don't always hit the target date. But, I do hit it, sooner or later. The big key is that I set a date for completion.
I'll tell you that I have known myself to um and ah, to fuss and fluff about things. And when I feel myself doing that, I know that things just get delayed and delayed and delayed. You know what, I've procrastinated on some things for such a long time that I almost hate myself. But, saying that, I've now tightened things up so much that I don't worry anymore about getting things perfect. I'm more concerned about getting it out into the market place. For once it's out there, I can test, tweak, and perfect.
Also, once in a while, some promotions have turned out to be real stinkers. But do you know what I do about that? I quickly shove it off my desk and off my computer, and make way for the next project or promotion that could be a possible winner!
See, it's no use mulling, chewing, or procrastinating over something that could be a dead duck loser. If it's going to be a loser, you want to make sure that you find out fast, and not let it absorb even more of your time, money, or energy.
I see too many people get deeply into the things that they're working on, that they have no end date that they want the thing completed by. It's as if they've got an abundance of time a their disposal. Something that they'll tweak endlessly, just to get it perfect, 100% right.
When in reality, all that's happening is that these people are afraid to get their work into the marketplace, and to get it judged. That's not for me. I'd rather be prolific than being a perfectionist.

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